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Specialty Category:

  All Dentists   Oral Surgeons   Periodontists

  General Dentists   Orthodontists   Prosthodontists

  Endodontists   Pedodontists   


(optional - enter any part of name)


Please note: From time to time providers may leave the network or may not be accepting new patients at a particular time. Please be sure to contact the provider in advance to be sure that he/she is still in network and accepting patients.

The member is expected to pay the reduced cost at the time of service unless other arrangements are made with the provider.

This is NOT insurance.

The program is administered by AccessOne Consumer Health Inc. For questions or complaints, contact us at 84 Villa Road, Greenville, SC 29615 or at the website

The program and its administrators have no liability for providing or guaranteeing service or the quality of service rendered.